Iron County Historical Society

School Records Project

Welcome to the home page for the Iron County Historical Society's School Records Project.  
The School Records Project
 While far from complete, the Iron County Historical Society is fortunate to have the largest known collection of historical school records for Iron County Schools.  Before the completion of reorganization and consolidation efforts in the late 1950s, Iron County had up to 50 school districts any given year. Recognizing the irreplaceable nature of these records, historical society board of directors' member Judie Huff took on the task of organizing what has become known as our School Records Project.  She started with the most complete set of records in Phase I, the Superintendent Records (Semester Reports).  After scanning and stitching together some 5,000 scans, the preservation of the Superintendent Records described above was completed and historical society member, Mark Horstman, then assisted Judie in determining the best format for the scans as well as in their organization for the transcription process that followed.  With the assistance of volunteers, information from the records was transcribed and made available on the website.  This completed the work on Phase I of the project.  Work on Phase II of the project is underway. Continue checking back for future updates.
The types of school records in the collection are described below:
The Collection
1. Superintendent Records (Phase I)  As partially described above, these records were created by the individual schools and were submitted to and compiled by the County Superintendent of Schools.  While we don't have records for every school in the county, this collection of records is the most complete set of records that we do have.  The collection covers the years 1939 to 1954 and is broken out by school district.  Work on Phase I was completed in early 2024.  Click here or go to the Superintendents Records tab below to access these records.
2. District Records (Phase II) - These were records maintained by the individual schools.  The earliest district records in our possession date back to the 1870s, but most are from the first 50 plus years of the 20th century. While the information in the various district records varied over time, most contained enumerations of students and information on those students; school board members, school board meeting minutes; a warrant register keeping track of school expenses; and other information on the school and the teacher(s).  Work on Phase II is currently underway.  Click here or go to the District Records tab below to see progress updates.
3. Other Records (Phase III) - Among the other miscellaneous school related records are County Superintendent Visiting Records for 1909 - 1910 which contains information on the school buildings, teachers, school equipment, school meetings, etc.; Certificate Records (of teachers) beginning in 1914 and going through the 1940s.  Maintained by the County Superintendent of Schools, the years of these records vary by teacher and contain the certification records of teachers teaching in Iron County schools School District Account Book for 1925 which was maintained by the Iron County Treasurer and details payments made on behalf of the schools.